Creates flawless, homogeneous surfaces up to high gloss
The new randomised arrangement of the XELERION dots produces fine, even surfaces without any “wild” scratches.
Some of the common grit size stages can be skipped
Even with fine grit sizes, stock removal is high, which means that XELERION can easily grind out coarsely roughed surfaces.

Finish grinding,
on a whole new level
VSM XELERION sets new standards for finish grinding applications: Thanks to its unique structure, XELERION makes it possible to achieve a flawless and reproducible scratch pattern while ensuring sustained high stock removal – and even reducing the number of process steps required. Grinding processes are more efficient and the strain on users is significantly relieved.

Because it’s all in the details

Proven in practice

This is where what belongs together comes together. ACTIROX AF890 in grit size 80+ removes any weld seam quickly and reliably. In P400 grit size, XELERION can even transform this coarsely ground surface into a fine surface.

Pliable and more precise
Thanks to the open dot structure, the abrasive belt can mould perfectly to the workpiece. Narrow radii and complex contours can be precisely machined with dimensional accuracy. Cooler grinding reduces discolouration and deformation. Thanks to the excellent surface quality, significantly less polishing work is required.
Ideal areas of application
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1012 East Wabash St.
Mo. 63366